Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Reflections

So Christmas just doesn't seem the same this year, I'm missing my family, BUT I'm excited and making new memories with my new Burtner family - which is exciting!  

Today, as I finish up some paperwork, I'm thanking God for His provision...on paper this year seemed impossible, but as I pay my last December bills, I can't believe He provided every step of the way...I haven't received an income in over 4 months. 

While yes, I'm working for SOP, I'm a volunteer, we ALL are...just like I did with TTR in the beginning, I do this because I believe in it, not because it pays me. We are building an amazing organization and as we do all of our proceeds at SOP go back into the organization and back into the Aid & Orphanage Projects...which we are most excited about and Lord-willing there will be a ton more than just Haiti. Permaculture will change the future for so many!

As we build this, I looked for another way to bring in an income. One that would not take away from the flexibility and time I needed to help at SOP. And as you've seen my posts, I'm excited about my It Works direct sales business. Whether I annoy you with my posts or I give you some great samples and introduce you to some awesome all-natural, non-gmo products, you are a part of my journey. So please, even if you're not interested, you are still part of the journey, I have to say, I was a skeptic too, but as I hit my December goals, I'm a believer and as I hear feedback from my first loyal customers, I get excited. God is amazing and He works through so many things!

So, other than giving thanks to God for being my guide and my provision, I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts, your likes, your prayers, and your friendship...

My life is super blessed and I can't wait to see all that the Lord does in 2016!

Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you - may the Lord bless you - whether it be in your finances, your family, your children, your job, may you trust Him and in that find the peace and joy that I have found!! Praise JESUS!