Saturday, January 21, 2017

A little pep talk and planning...

It's Saturday and for the last year or more I've had a reminder set in my calendar that says BLOG - so here are my stats of how much I have listened to myself and that little reminder, that was set with such good intentions...

2016 - 3 published blogs, 1 draft
2015 - 11 published blogs, 5 drafts
2014 - 14 published blogs, 4 drafts
2013 - 6 published blogs 

So, 52 weeks in a year, that should equal 52 blogs? Whoops...

Why do these stats interest me? Probably because as I've started almost ten blogs I've never published, I know what I was thinking at that time...Oh I'll go back and finish it later! Nope, can't do it, why? Because it's totally an inspired word, at least for me, a bit of a revelation. I've found, it's not something you can just go back and complete. Believe me I've tried. Setting all judgments aside - (I almost, yep here I go, I almost wrote, maybe I was emotional when I wrote it, gotta let that leave my brain right now). So here's what happens - I go back and I read some those drafts and some of them have some depth, some meat, some thoughts I'd like to share. So, I have thought about just posting them with a disclaimer like you see in shops that resale items or sell discount items - AS IS - No returns, no additional discounts - take it or leave it...that's what they mean right? 

So as I sit here flushing this out...maybe I will do that, post these unfinished blogs with a disclaimer. Hmmm, actually, who needs one, the title of my blog itself is Completely Unfinished. Doesn't that say it right there? So are you on board? You with me? Should I just post/publish those? 

A few extra notes - the dates they were written will be relevant, much more so than the dates they are published, but if I remove me from the equation and get back to the purpose of why I write, I write for others to see, others to hear, others to feel and see that life is not always a bowl full of cherries. And then I can't deny, I write for selfish reasons too - I write for me - because, for me, it's a space where I can clear out the clutter, get it down on paper, try to make sense of my thoughts...

OK - so we have a plan! Sounds like a plan. Oh yes, I love plans, I love organizing, I love making lists! So, prayerfully you will follow and understand, as I have 10 posts to do over the next few weeks. Maybe I'll post one every other day? Who knows, maybe one everyday? Just do it - get it all out there.

Thanks to all of you who are reading this now - as today's blog is totally rambling, organizing some thoughts and all out total and utter spewing on the computer! I appreciate you for hopping or hobbling along with me on this journey. I truly hope 2017 holds way more posts on the blog. And that I actually pay attention to the good reminders I've set on my phone. For me that means that I do what I believe is possible, that I "MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT" (2017 theme). And at the end of 2017 we raise our mug of coffee or glass of spirits and we toast "Here's to life" (a line in one of my favorite band's songs - bonus if you know it)...thank you!

Blessings today and all the days ~ kb

Saturday, January 7, 2017

We're having a baby!

So our favorite past time in the last few weeks (the hubs and I) is laying in bed each night and watching Touch - a series on Netflix...and watching MY BELLY!

We are less than 6 weeks away from our due date with our little angel and we couldn't be MORE excited! I haven't done a good job of documenting our pregnancy - other than on social I thought I'd use it as a blog post today!

We have been so blessed, donations/gifts of clothes, toys, blankets, breast pumps, breastfeeding pillows - books, ADVICE - which is invaluable. We are so excited. Her bassinet is on the way thanks to some amazing grandparents. We also have 2 showers coming up and I'm sure I'll cry with the love that flows around our little girl.

And to add to it - seeing her daddy light up...that's been a true gift. I can't wait to see my husband hold this precious child...wooo - gotta stop talking about it - gets me all teary eyed!

So another thing happened this last week, and I'll post it here as someone encouraged me to document it too!

"Had a doctors appt today for baby dad just happened to call at the same time and got to hear her little heart beating over the phone...I think he might have teared up a bit...(telling on you!) Love you grandpa!!! :-) She'll be here soon!"

Anyways - my heart is full because if you've ever read any of my other blogs, you know that this child is a fulfilled promise from God, long before my marriage, my life was spoken over and He promised me this little girl. What a good, good, good God we have. He loves to give us good gifts and He's here fighting for us and with us in the sin-fallen world.

I'm off this morning for a sewing day with some amazing women...blessed to get a chance to type this short note. Writing brings me joy and whether or not it impacts anyone else, it's an amazing release for me - so go do something that brings you joy today!

Blessings, kb