Friday, May 17, 2013

Scared to death…

Sitting on the plane coming back from Richmond, California, looking out the window and seeing the mountains and just reflecting as the song “Oh how He loves us” by David Crowder, and my heart just keeps reeling on the time spent with Dionte yesterday.  Dionte Jackson – “Fly Guy Tay” for short.

The time spent with our team giving Dionte clarity…clarity about who Jesus is and what Jesus did for Dionte and you and for me, it just gripped me.  I was overwhelmed by emotion when Dionte described a dream that his mother had about him.  He said his mother had a dream that a black car was rolling through the neighborhood and there was a shooting, everyone in the car was shot and Dionte was going to save them, but he ended up getting killed.  Now some of you may think, why would a mother tell her son about a dream like that?  But for Dionte, he needed to hear that dream, because it was pointing him to Jesus.  Not only that, but he went on to describe how it’s known (either in his family or between him and his brother) that his brother has a ‘gift’, his brother is able to flip open the Bible and just find life, a verse that describes life.  And what Dionte didn’t say, but we all felt was his brother also found hope in that, that the word of God was encouraging his brother through that ‘gift.’  But when Dionte attempted the same thing, looking for that ‘gift’ or that hope – all the bible verses reflected was death. 

Scared to death.  Scared that he was going to end up dead, on the street in front of a black car, trying to do what was right, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  And the feeling of being ‘scared to death’ was all over his face.  It was a weight, you could feel, a weight that I know some of my friends and family, if they were really honest carry in the back of their minds, maybe in the front, maybe it just pops in once in a while?  But it was felt.

So here’s a 20 year old looking at his mother, looking at the Bible and finding death.  Surprising?  Aren’t we supposed to get hope from those things?  Parents are to uplift and raise up their children. 

And then Dionte read the following verses one after another:

            “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9

            “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”  (Romans 10: 9 -10)

And then we went a bit further and emphasized this:

            “for ‘Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” (Romans 10:13)

And then Dionte couldn’t stop smiling, his countenance changed.  He found hope.  He found the words in the Bible he had longed for, he had searched for, he had prayed he would just open to.  He found clarity.  As I sat there watching, I was overwhelmed with joy, with love with just an immense amount of compassion.  I remember feeling scared to death.  I remember sitting in rooms by myself, crying out to the Lord knowing that He was the only one that could fix the hurt, the fear the sheer terror that I felt and not feeling hope, I remember searching, trying to find it on my own.

And then I was flooded with the immense emotion, the weight of glory you could say, maybe even the joy that I now have in knowing that I don’t have that same fear, that Dionte doesn’t EVER have to have that fear again…and tears flooded down my face.

So as I sit here thinking, scared to death, when was the last time I was scared to death, it’s a funny term that we throw around like nothing, but it holds a lot of weight.  And as I sit here, I can’t think of the last time I was really scared to death.  It’s a weight that I don’t have to carry anymore though, and neither do you, because “it is the gift of God,” (Ephesians 2:8-9) that He “demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

My prayer for you today is that as you read this, you think of your scared to death moment and instead of searching for hope in your mother, father, spouse, your seatbelt, your helmet, your parachute, your bottle, your drug, your escape… you look to the Lord and to the offer of salvation, it’s a gift and it’s free and it SAVES!

Thank you Lord for saving me…

PS - Check out Dionte at the end of this video

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